Multifamily Acquisition
Acquiring a multifamily property and our company transition from searching for businesses to acquire to searching for real estate to acquire.
2024: Dreaming to Doing
Turning Somedays… into accomplished!
Traditional vs. Self-funded Search
When deciding between the two, work backwards…
Sunday Dread
Life is too short to dread Mondays…
Saying No to Comfort, and Yes to Growth.
To grow, we have to push ourselves through the uncomfortable. To Lead, we have to hold ourselves accountable.
Be more Efficient with your Goals, To-Do list, and Targets. Customizable Template Linked!
Be more efficient by changing the way you view and make your to-do list.
If Anything, Overestimate the Importance of Consistency
Consistency is the common denominator in successful people.
In the SMB search world, You are a small fish in a big pond.
You may be a small fish now, but keep going.
Flip the Script: Embrace the Work Gap of a stay-at-home parent on the resume.
Stay at Home Parents Are Leaders
Bob Iger's 10 Traits of a Great Leader
How to be an excellent Leader in the workplace according to Bob Iger.