2024: Dreaming to Doing
Planning is fun, it’s exciting to dream of all the new accomplishments you could achieve this in 2024! Execution is so damn hard though.
You contemplate the risk, you can’t find the time, the kids get sick, you can’t make time for that meeting, you can’t make the money you need to make, you can’t… you can’t… you can’t…
Here’s something new, instead of just making a list of what you want to accomplish this year, make two lists.
One Personal: A trip you’ve always wanted, something you want to do with kids/spouse, a fitness goal, exc.
One Biz/Money: A business you’ve wanted to start, money goal, business growth, exc.
Then look at the list and see what could I accomplish on there today? Instead of saying I’d love to do that in the future sometime… what could I sign up for now. What could I create now?
—> Take the personal list: Ex. Run a marathon, ok find a marathon, sign up. Tell everyone so it feels extra definite. Boom you’ve gotten closer to knocking something off that bucket list.
—> Take the Financial List: Ex. start a business, ok create the website (easier than you think) and send it out to your peers.
What’s one thing you’ve got in common about each of these lists?
You took action and you created peer pressure by telling your peers. You now identify with that action, people will say….
How’s the marathon training going?
How’s the new business going?
You decided in that moment to take on a new identity. You decided to take action and to do. The first step is the hardest, take it with urgency!
Make this the year of doing!
Be a do-er.