Sunday Dread
Est. Read Time: 2 mins
We’ve all been there, it's Sunday night and you are dreading the start of a new work week.
For years now I’ve loved Monday mornings, the past month though I’ve noticed I have started to dread Monday mornings but loving when Friday at 5pm starts.
Because I know come the weekend I don’t have to worry about any phone calls or emails, per se.
However, living in this existence of hating Mondays and living for the freedom of the weekend is also a way I never wanted to live.
Whenever I feel the dread of Monday coming on, I know it’s time for a -RESET- a time to reflect on what’s making me unhappy, stressed, and draining my energy.
Write down the answers to these questions:
What am I not looking forward too and why?
What I do look forward to and why?
If I could do whatever I wanted Monday through Friday, what would that look like?
What do I need to do to make my life look like number 3.
My weakness is getting bored of a particular thing. I’m an all in crazy obsessed with my goals person and then overtime I’m burned out and on to the next thing. However, consistency is the key to success, so I’ve been trying harder than ever to maintain that. That said, it’s always ok to acknowledge the progress you’ve made and make a change. Life’s too short to be hating Mondays!